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SLAM Airway Course

NOEMS Foundation

This last June, the NOEMS Foundation assisted one of our medics in attending the Street Level Airway Management Course in Dallas, Texas. The course- which focuses on advanced airway techniques to combat various difficult airway challenges, was a great opportunity for Josh to be able to develop his airway skills, practice on high fidelity simulators, and bring back his knowledge to his fellow medics.

Josh states, "While we intubate occasionally at New Orleans EMS, it remains a skill which is not practiced often. In addition, becoming familiar with different techniques (video laryngoscopy, external laryngeal manipulation, Miller vs. Mac Blade) can be challenging in this environment. This training will offer me an opportunity to hone my difficult intubation skills, acclimate myself to different techniques, and perform needle and surgical cricothyrotomies in the airway lab.

This type of opportunity is such a great way for our team to network, learn new skills, challenge themselves with new techniques, and bring back that experience to NOEMS to share.

Josh- thank you for your excellent skills!

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